Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 56  (621 pages)
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FRIDAY, 8TH °manta, 1876.

The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock.   Pintast :

Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Hon. Major Atkinson,   Mr. Richmond,

Mr. Bradshaw,   Mr. Rolleston,

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   Mr. Sheehan,

Mr. O'Neill,   IMr. Thomson.

Mr. Reid,

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. Dalton in attendance, and further examined on oath.

Mr. Brissenden in attendance, and sworn as to the truth of the contents of his statement. Mr. Mackay in attendance, and further examined on oath.

The Committee then resumed the consideration of the Report.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Sheehan, That the Committee do adjourn till Saturday, 9th October, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.

SATURDAY, 91'11 OCTOBER, 1875.

The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock.


Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Mr. Bradshaw,   Mr. Richmond,

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   Mr. Rolleston,

Mr. O'Neill,   Mr. Thomson.

Mr. Reid,

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

The Committee resumed consideration of Report.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Sheehan, That the following be added to the Report :—" The Committee are of opinion that the purchase or leasing of Native lands, directly or indirectly, to their own interest or advantage, or for other persons, by Government officers or agents whose duty it is to purchase Native lands for the public, is contrary to the public interest ; and that it should be an instruction to persons employed in the Land Purchase Department to refrain, on pain of dismissal from the Public Service, from being concerned in such transactions in the future."

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Sheehan, That the Report be adopted, and that the Chairman be instructed to present the same to the House at its next sitting, and to move that the Report and the evidence taken be printed.

The Committee then adjourned.