Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 51  (621 pages)
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Resolved, That Colonel McDonnell, Mr. Brissenden, and Mr. Davis be summoned to attend a meeting of the Committee on Friday, 27th August, at 11 o'clock.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Rolleston, That the Committee do adjourn till Friday, 27th August, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.


The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock.

Passau":   •

Sir G. Grey in the Chair,

Hon. Major Atkinson,   Mr. Richmond,

Mr. Bradshaw,   Mr. Rolleston,

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   Mr. Sheehan,

Mr. O'Neill,   Mr. Thomson,

Colonel McDonnell in attendance, and examined on oath.

Colonel McDonnell during his evidence handed in and read a rough copy of a letter, dated 25th January, from himself to Sir D. McLean. (Vide Colonel McDonnell's evidence.)

Mr. Davis in attendance, and examined on oath.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Sheehan, That the House be requested to pass the following Resolu.. tion :—" That the Tairuk,Committeo be authorized to inquire, to such an extent as the evidence taken before them may appear necessary, into the circumstances connected with any purchase of lands negotiated or concluded by. Mr. Mackay, Mr. Brissenden, or Colonel McDonnell."

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Richmond, That the Committee do adjourn till Tuesday, 31st August, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.

TUESDAY,, 316T AUGUST, 1875.

The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock. Pitzszur

Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Hon. Major Atkinson,   Mr. Richmond,

Mr. Bradshaw,   I   Mr. Rolleston,

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   f   Mr. Sheehan,

Mr. O'Neill,   i   Mr. Thomson.

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Order of reference, dated 27th August, read.

Mr. Brissenden in attendance, and examined on oath.

Mr. Brissenden retired at the request of the Committee.

Dr. Pollen in attendance, and examined on oath.

The Hon. Sir D. McLean put in telegrams referring to Colonel McDonnell's letter of 25th January.

Mr. Brissenden attended by consent of the Committee, and made a short statement. Ordered, That Mr. Mackay be summoned to attend the next meeting of Committee.

.   Resolved, on motion of Mr. Rolleston, That the Committee do adjourn till Thursday, 2nd

September, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.


The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock. Plasm:" :

Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Mr. Bradshaw,   Mr. Rolleston,

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   Mr. Sheehan. Mr. O'Neill,

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. Mackay in attendance, and sworn.

Sir G. Grey sworn, and cross-examined by Mr. Mackay, Mr. Rolleston being in the chair. Sir G. Grey resumed the chair.

Colonel McDonnell in attendance, and further examined on oath.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Sheehan, That the Committee do adjourn till Tuesday, 7th September, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.