Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 49  (621 pages)
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Resolved, on motion of Sir G. Grey, That the correspondence relating to the Tairua Gold Field and Prospectors' Claim be read to the Committee.

Part of correspondence read.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Rolleston, That the Committee do adjourn till Wednesday, 11th August, at 11 o'clock.


The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock.


Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   IMr. Thomson,

Mr. Rolleston,   Mr. White.

Mr. Sheehan,

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Reading of the correspondence relating to the Tairua Gold Fields and Prospectors' Claim resumed and completed.

Copy of a letter from Mr. Mackay to His Honor the Superintendent of Auckland, dated 28th June, 1875 ; also, a copy of telegram from Mr. Mackay to Messrs. Preece and Graham, dated 22nd June, 1874, submitted and read.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Rolleston, That witnesses be examined on oath.

Resolved, on motion o: Mr. Thomson, That Mr. Mackay be desired to attend on Thursday, 12th August, at 11 o'clock.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Sheehan, That the Committee do adjourn till Thursday, 12th August, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.


The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock.


Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Hon. Major Atkinson,   Mr. Richmond,

Hon. Sir D. McLean,   Mr. Rolleston,

Mr. O'Neill,   Mr. Sheehan,

Mr. Reid,   Mr. Thomson.

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. James Mackay in attendance; and, before being sworn, he requested that he might be present during the examination of witnesses, and have the privilege of cross-examining them.


Mr. Mackay, during his evidence, handed report from Mr. John Guilding, Native interpreter, relative to Tairua reserve.

Correspondence between the Superintendent of Auckland and Mr. James Mackay.

Telegraphic communication between Mr. John Guilding, Native interpreter, and Mr. James Mackay, relative to leasing of Tairua block.

Resolved, That the summoning of other witnesses be postponed until after the consideration of the evidence already taken by the Committee.

Resolved, on motion of Mr. Rolleston, That the Committee do adjourn till Friday, 13th August, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.


The Committee met pursuant to notice at 11 o'clock.


Sir G. Grey in the Chair.

Hon. Major Atkinson,   Mr. Rolleston,   • I

Hon. Sir D. DcLean,   Mr. Sheehan,

  •          Mr. O'Neill,   Mr. Thomson.

Mr. Richmond,

The minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed.

Mr. James Mackay in attendance, and further examined on oath.

Mr. Mackay handed in during his evidence a copy of a writ issued against him and others in Auckland.

Resolved, on motion of Sir G. Grey, That Colonel McDonnell be summoned from Auckland to attend this Committee.

Mr. Rolleston requested the Chairman to apply to Mr. Rees, of Auckland, for a copy of a declaration mentioned by Mr. Mackay in his evidence.

Resolved, on motion of Sir D, McLean, That the Committee do adjourn till Wednesday, 18th August, at 11 o'clock.

The Committee then adjourned.