Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 44  (621 pages)
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Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His. Excellency.
(In continuation of Paper (G.-5n.) presented 30th July, 1375.)

No. 1.

The Hon. D. POLLEN to the Hon the MTNISTER for PUBLIC WORKS.

SIR,   General Government Buildings, Auckland, 4th December, 1872.

I have the honor to transmit herewith a letter from Mr. Preece, written by direction of Mr. Mackay, relative to the purchase of several blocks of land in the Thames District, containing in all about 129,200 acres, the titles to which are now being investigated by the Native Land Court sitting at Shortland, and to request that I may be furnished with the necessary funds, and with authority to make advances from time to time as required for the purchase of these lands.

I have, &c.,

   The Hon. the Minister for Public Works, Wellington.   DANIEL Porznn.

Enclosure in No. 1.   •

Mr. PREECE to the Hon. D. POLLEN.

SIR,—   Auckland, 22nd November, 1872.

I have the honor to inform you that I was requested by Mr. James Mackay, jun., to call on you in reference to an advance which he wishes to obtain towards the purchase of lana, in the Hauraki District, now passing through the Native Land Court.

In reference to my conversation with you on the subject, I have to inform you that the following blocks are now before the Court at Shortland, all surveyed, and titles will be completed during the next few weeks, viz.,—

Tairua,   ...   ...   ...   •••   •••   •••   ...   36,000 acres

Whangamata   ...   ...   ...   ...   •..   ...   45.000 do.

Hikutaia   ...   ...   ...   •..   •.•   ...   15,000 do.

Mangakirikiri   ...   ...   ...   ...   ... (about)   6,500 do.

Ipuwhalcatara   ...   ...   •..   ...   ...   (do.)   2,500 do.

Omahu   ...   ...   ...   •••   ...   •...   (do.)   7,000 do.

Whenuakite   ...   ...   ...   ...   ..   (do.)   6,700 do. .

Kereta   ...   •••   •••   --•   ...   .:.   (do.)   1,500 do.

Rangabau   ...   ...   •••   ...   (Crown grant)   9,000 do.

.   Total   ...   ...   ...   •••   •••   ... 129,000 acres.

These blocks could all be purchased (by making reserves where necessary) if funds were provided at once while the Natives are assembled ; and Mr. Mackay is anxious to be supplied with the means of purchasing same, and requested me to ask you to see the Hon. the Minister for Lands, now in Auckland, and urge on him the necessity of dealing promptly in the matter.

I have, &c. .

The Hon. D. Pollen, General Government Agent, Auckland.   J. W. PREECE.

,   .

  •                                                         23rd November, 1872. ..   Submitted to His Honor the Superintendent for his opinion.

•.', , ,   •   •
DANIEL POLLEN, ;.‘ .   General Government Agent


A. 7'   •


;,    -    .   i   27th November, 1872. .-.,, I Tzars it extremely important that advantage should be taken of the circumstances to acquire these

  • 1 •,, lands.


T. B. GILLIxa.

.; , TEN HON. MR. WEARER,—   .   28th November, 1872. -, .

- •   Recommended that Mr. Mackay should be authorized to purchase, at a price not exceeding ..

the average of that paid for other lands in the Coromandel Peninsula, such of these blocks as shall have ii.   passed the Native Land Court with a clear title.   DANIEL POLLEN,

General Government Agent. -,

..,   DR. POLLEN,—   29th November, 1872.

I think the expenditure ought to be authorized, but I am not sure whether the Native Minister is not the proper authority on Native land purchases.   G. M. 01.1tonsn.

By Authority : Chums DIDISBITB; Government Printer, Wellington.-1875.

Price 3d.]