Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 33  (621 pages)
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Name of Block.


Advances charged to
as per Vouchers

Advanced by
James Mackay, jun
from private funds,

Balances due, exclusive of advances made privately by J. Mackay, jun.

Waikowau and Meehan (or Cape Colville)

Te Weiti ...   ...   ...

Wharekawa   ...   ...   ...

Rangahou ...   ...   ...   ...

Waiwhakaurunga ...   ...   ...

Owhao   ...   ...   ...   ...

Kapowai ...   ...   ...   ...

Kapowai, No. 2   ...   ,..   ...

Totals   ...   ...   ...


Acres. 118,802


20,000 (estimated)


8,663 8,000 (estimated)

a. d. 13,174 11 0

550 0 0

200 0 0

785 0 0

30 0 0

703 0 0

280 0 0

100 0 0

30 0 0 10 0 0

1,675 14

1,800 0 0

1600 0 0

20 0 0

700 0 0 800 0 0

Surveys completed. The only question delaying the execution of deeds is the laying off three or four reserves. Preliminary agreement sighed by a majority of the owners. It is proposed to complete deeds and submit to Native Land Cott* in accordance with the provisions of the Immigration and Public Works Act. This purchase is intimately connected with the Ohinemuri question, the land being owned by the same tribe, and it is considered the completion of it will be an effectual blow to the anti land-selling portion of the Ngatitamatera tribe.

Survey completed. Title investigated. Cause of delay in execution of deed being that a small reserve had to be surveyed ; this is done. Deed can now be executed.

Survey in progress. Title investigated, and Interlocutory Order granted by the Native Land Court. Land chiefly hilly. Reported to be auriferous. Probable cost, 2s. per acre.

Surveyed. Title investigated. Valuable from being adjacent to goldfields, and some portion auriferous. Deed partly executed. Require to procure another signature of a Native residing at Mercury Bay.

Surveyed. Title investigated. Valuable from being near to Shortland. Some portion auriferous. A few small farms could be laid off here. Deed can be executed as Boon as a reserve is laid off.

Surveyed. Valuable from its proximity to Shortland. Price arranged, 3s. 3d. per acre.

Surveyed. Title investigated. Deed can be executed at once.

Under Survey. Deed can be signed and submitted to Native Land Court, under provisions of the Immigration and Public Works Act. Price arranged, 2s. per acre, irrespective of area.


14,739 11 0

1,212 0 0

6,495 14 0

Enclosure No, 3 in No. 10,


Average Price, 2s. 31d. per acre.

Advances as per Vouchers furnished to Treasury

Balance to complete purchases

Total Cost

24th March, 1873.

JAMES MLcK&Y, jun.

£ a cl, 14,739 11 0 6,495 14 0

£21,235 6 0

Enclosure 2 in No. 10.


BLOCKS for which negotiations are concluded, but Deeds not executed.