Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 30  (621 pages)
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No. 3.

His Honor the SUPERINTENDENT, Auckland, to the Hon. COLON/AL SECRETARY.

Superintendent's Office,

Sue   Auckland, 4th April, 1872.

I have the honor to enclose copy of a letter addressed to me on 20th March last by Mr. James Mackay, jun., relative to his being provided with funds to enable him to complete on favourable terms the purchase of two large blocks in the Cape Colville Peninsula. Dr. Pollen being absent and being personally aware that a very large sum might be saved to the Colony and the Province on this purchase by dealing with the Natives at the tangi at Ohinemuri, I felt myself justified in advancing to Mr. Mackay the sum of two thousand pounds for that purpose. I proceeded with Mr. Mackay to Ohinemuri, and was present when he was negotiating with the Natives there assembled, and I feel convinced that a large saving, both in time and money, was effected by his being placed in funds promptly to conduct these negotiations. I trust that you will approve of my action in this matter, and that the amount advanced will be at once repaid.

Permit me further to suggest that provision should be made in future for providing funds by which advantage can be taken promptly of such circumstances as the above, which occasionally arise. I have, &c.,


The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington.   Superintendent.
Enclosure in No. 3.


New Zealand Native Land Agency, SIR,   Auckland, 20th March, 1872.

Referring to your request that I would inform you as to the progress made by me in purchasing, and negotiating for the purchase of Native lands on the Coromandel Peninsula, I have the honour to inform you that no purchase has as yet been completed by me. The surveys and negotiations for the Waikawau and Cape Colville blocks are in a forward state, and I anticipate being able to acquire these at a price not exceeding 2s. per acre. I have made considerable advances on account of these purchases, having either paid for, or made myself privately responsible for goods and stores amounting to £1,8071s. 5d. I have made application to the Agent for the General Government for an advance to enable me to recoup myself the sums actually paid from private funds, and to pay the other amounts for which I have become responsible, and have as yet received no reply to my communication which was made on the 4th instant.

A sum of £5,000 would probably accomplish this now, and as the area of the Waikawau block is estimated by the Surveyor, Mr. 0. M. Creagh, to be about 100,000 acres ; and the Cape Colville block is estimated by Mr. Tole to be about 50,000 acres. This would be a very desirable purchase, being only 8d. per acre.

I have made arrangements for the survey and purchase of the Whangamata and Hikutaia blocks, but have deferred entering further on these at present, until the completion of the telegraph line through that district, for fear of any complication arising to delay that important public work.

Unless the General Government can make some alteration in financial matters, so as to make it as easy to purchase for the Crown as for private persons, the acquirement of these lands will be tedious and difficult. The great point in buying land from Natives is to be able to have money at command to take advantage of favourable opportunities like the present.

Dr. Pollen being absent from Auckland, and not being likely to return for some time, and as it is impossible without funds to proceed further with those negotiations, I would beg to request that you will be as good as to advance the sum of £2,000 to enable me to conclude these purchases, which are a matter of great importance to the Province, and to make provision for further advances, if necessary, not exceeding the sum of £5,000 above mentioned, and which advances I think you are justified in making, pending the completion of the General Government arrangements for supplying the necessary funds.

I have, &c„

His Honor the Superintendent,   JAMES MACKAY, Junr.,

Auckland.   Agent for Land Purchase, New Zealand Government.

No. 4.

Mr. JAMES MACKAY, jun. to the Hon. the MINISTER for PUBLIC WORKS.

SIR,—   Wellington, 23rd July, 1372.

Referring to the question of the proposed purchase of the Harataunga or Kennedy Bay block, Coromandel Peninsula, I have the honor to inform 7ou that in accordance with your request I have communicated with His Honor the Superintendent of Auckland on the subject and he is willing for the purchase to be made for any sum not exceeding five thousand pounds : provided that all the fiat land, excepting the portion absolutely required for Native residence and cultivation, be purchased at the same time and included with the remainder of the block for that price.

I have, &c.,

The hon. the Minister for Public Works,   JAMES MACKAY, Jun.