Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Volume 9 Part 28: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers: page 29  (621 pages)
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His Honor the SUPERINTENDENT, Auckland, to the Hon. the COLONIAL SECRETARY.

SIR:   Wellington, 26th July, 1872.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt this day of your's of 24th inst., requesting the expression of my views on the enclosed copy of letter from Mr. Mackay as to land purchase at Harataunga. My views are correctly stated by Mr. Mackay. in his letter.

I have, &c.,

TNOMAS B. Gimizs,

The Hon. the Colonial Secretary, Wellington.   Superintendent, Auckland.

Mr. JAMES MACKAY, jun., to the Hon. the MINISTER for PUBLIC WORKS.

Wellington, 28th September, 1872.

I have the honor to inform you that negotiations have been entered into for the purchase of the Whakairi or Waiwhakaurunga block, near Shortland, which contains nearly fifteen thousand acres, the title to which has been investigated by the Native Land Court; and I believe it can be purchased for two shillings per acre. I have, therefore, the honor to request authority to complete the arrangements, and also that the Agent for the General Government at Auckland be authorized to advance to me the sam of one thousand five hundred pounds for that purpose.

I have, &c.,


Agent for Native Land Purchases, Immigration

The Hon. the Minister for Public Works,   and Public Works A ct. Wellington.

The Hon. the NATIVE MINISTER to Mr. H. T. KEMP.
Memorandum for Mr. Kemp.

Yon are aware that in the Thames and on the Piako there have been standing over unsettled for several years the payments upon certain blocks of land, for which advances were made from time to time to the Natives. The Government, as well as the Natives, are anxious that these outstanding claims should be met and settled on the most equitable terms, and as I find from Mr. Puckey, the Native agent at the Thames, who has been directed to enquire into the details connected with the several blocks alluded to, that they are now for the most part in a fit state to be dealt with, I have tho honor to request that you will, without delay, place yourself in communication with Mr. Puckey, and endeavour, as soon as possible, with the assistance of the Native Chiefs and other claimants, finally to dispose of this question. Funds for the extinguishment of the Native title to these blocks will be available as soon as you shall report that these claims have been adjusted, and the time and place appointed for the payment being made.

Auckland, 28th June, 1872.   DONALD MCLEAN.

Ma. H. T. Kraur to the Hon. the NATIVE Mrzu.srEn.

SIB,—   Auckland, 7th August, 1872.

Agreeably with your instructions careful enquiry has been made into the several outstanding claims on the Waitoa and Piako blocks. The result has been that in order to meet the different claims, to give general satisfaction and to make the awards fair and reasonable to the Government and to the Natives, the sum of one thousand pounds has been fixed to cover all claims connected therewith. Enclosed herewith is the schedule submitted for your approval, as well as a requisition for the amount required.

I have, &c„

The Hon. the Native Minister.   H. T. KEMP.