Volume 7: The Crown, The Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes 1880-1980 Supporting Papers

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NATIVE MEETING AT PAEAWAI. ' . Ngakapa Wbanaunga repeated the ' welcome, and said ho hoped all things


would be satisfactorily settled by Ilk .

Tux Honorable E. 0. J, Stevens with his   ; Stevens. Me again welcomed him and said .

wife arrived yesterday by the Itototnahana   I he was also pleased to see the Queen bad '

from Auckland, end proceeded to the Royal   ,' come with him, (alluding to Mrs Slovens) '   .

Hotel. After consultation with Mr Under-   '   'Lanni Naha followed, and referred to his

Secretary Lewis on the Piako question. Mr   ' ; previous acquaintance with Mr Stevens

and Mrs Stevens, and Messrs Lewis,   when he was a member of the House of   .

Wilkinson, and Mackay, proceeded to   , Representatives, which he was glad to .

Taipsn's Runanga House Hotunui. On   renew at Hauraki. Ho wished to have

alighting from their conveyance the party   some maps of boundaries duly certified to

were welcomed with the usual Haeremai 1   by he Survey Department.

litieremai 1 The visitors were then con-    --i

Mr Lewis promised to attend to this.   k

ducted to chairs which hind been placed in   ik The Honorable Mr Stevens spoke sal

readiness for them at the front of the carved   follows, (Mr Wilkinson being the inter-house. The natives eat about in groups

pretoo :-1 (hank Taipari and the at a little distance from them.

assembled natives for the kindly welcome

   Mr Lewis then addressed the Natives   t;Itneoygeohsa.ve Tueheisordisodthtee fimrsytsetlifmeant hittx 1 (Mr George Wilkinson offieiating as In.

terperter).   I wiab to explain to the   visited this place.   I regret that my .1

assembled Natives that the Honorable the   .

colleague,   hohelson, is unable to i

Native Minister regrets vary much being   Mr hi

here he to carry out the come to enable

una   meet you oo the present occasion, be has,

however, requested me to attend in his

arrangements commenced by him, but his

place. 'You state that .you wish some

absence is unavoidable owing to very im-

matters which are troubling you to be •1

portant Government business. Mr Mitchel-

amicably settled. I shall be prepared to ,

son has requested Mr Stevens who is also

meet you   spurt

y in the same friendspurtwhioh i

a Minister to come hereio his piece. I now introduce you to Mr and Mrs Stevens.

Yost   and

Mrs S have tevetie manifested I nested mpleased towards myself visiting !

I may say that they have not been at this   • ,,   ort ant district,   at ..strict,   thank

and again than

Ins important

place beforeI and I hope you will show

you for the ,cord

your appreciation of their visit by giving

received from yen   have

. sal reception we

them a hearty welcome.   .

Mr Lewis then stated that if oonvenient.i

The Chief, Wirope Hoterene Taipari, to Welcome l



: id sa

and an



to the natives, he would ask some of the

Ngatipaoa chiefs to accompaoi Mr Stevens

Hauraki. We are pleased at your coming

no TaiparPe private residence to dimes

among us, you are strangers to us, as we

matters relating to the Piako block, corn-

agrn to you and your wife, but we welcome

encing at the point where Mr Mitohelson 1

ydo, although you come from the other   m

left off when they requeeted an adjoern client .

island (South Island) and weare in the

in order to permit them to proceed to ■

North, we are all one people. Oome   ,

among us and ascertain our wants and our   . Piako to consult the memhers of their

troubles. We have been visited by many   tribe who were absent from the meeting.

The natives then dispersed.

Ministers, who have come and gone, they

The Ministerial party inspected the in-

have completed some things and loft others

teller of the carved where, after which

undone. We wish you to stop hero more

they proceeded to Taipari's house, and

than one day so that something may be

awaited the arrival of the Ngatipaoa chiefs.

for co

acoomplielled autoug . We us welcome Mrs Stevens coming

a messenger arrived stating that they ,

wished to dismiss matters among them-

Holiepa Kapene followed in a similar

strain.   selves, and would prefer meeting Mr

Stevens next morning (to-day).

The Revd. W. Turipona welcomed Lime

The ,otief Taipari then most hospitably

party, and said that the Minister had come 1'   ' entertained Mr and Mrs Stevens and Messrs

to see them on temporal concerns, but he

Lewis, Wilkinson, and Mackay.

trusted that everything would be done

After this several natives arrived on 1

with love and good will.

   Wauta Tipa repeated the woloome, and   various matters of business.

, said he hoped that matters rotating to   The Piako question will be proceeded I


1 Piako would be satisfactorily arranged by   with to day at the Comt House, Graham- 1



Mown, when it is believed the whole

i   Paom Plunge mode a speech of   question will be amicably adjusted before 1


taking it into Court for confirmation.


,   _   .