Volume 7: The Crown, The Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes 1880-1980 Supporting Papers

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The Crown, the Treaty, and the Hauraki Tribes, 1880–1980

Supporting papers

Doc 1, pp. 1–4: W H Taipari to George Wilkinson,

6 December 1883. NO 84/156. G T Wilkinson memorandum for Under Secretary, Native Department,

February 1884. NO 84484. Both in MA 23/13a Native Committees.

Doc 2, pp. 5–6: Raika Whakarongatai to George Wilkinson,

7 November 1883. NO 84/157, in MA 23/13a Native Committees.

Doc 3, pp. 7–18: AJHR 1885 G–1, pp.3141: Notes of Native Meetings.

Doc 4, pp. 19–92: Extracts fom MA 13/64b Piako special block file.

Doc 5, pp. 93–96: AJHR 1883 G–1, pp. 1, 68: Reports from officers in Native Districts.

Doc 6, pp. 97–104: AJHR 1891 session II G–1: Report of the Commission into the Native Land Laws. Dissenting note by Carroll; and evidence of Hamiora Mangakahia.

Doc 7, pp. 105: AJHR 1907 G-1B, p.5: Extract from Interim Report on Native Lands in Rohe Potae District.

Doc 8, pp. 106–108: AJHR 1908 G-1S, pp. 13: Interim Report of Native Land Commission on Native Lands and Native Land Tenure in the Coromandel District.

Doc 9, pp. 109–124: MA 78/19 G-1-09 and G-1A-09: Royal Commission on Native Lands and Native Land Tenure.

Doc 10, pp. 125129: Return of Lands on which restrictions on owners were placed. Al 1888/177.

Doc 11, pp. 130132: AJHR 1907 14A, pp. 1618: Gold and Mines Committee. Report on petitions relating to silting of Ohinemuri and Waihou Rivers, to go with Minutes of Evidence.

Doc 12, pp. 133138: AJHR 1910 C-14, pp. 6873: Report of Commission of Inquiry Appointed to Inquire into Silting of Waihou and Ohinemuri Rivers.

Doc 13, pp. 139–140: List supplied by Valuer General to Under Secretary Public Works Department, 8 November 1910. MD 1 1910/1710.

Doc14, pp. 141–154: MA 1 1920/301 Ongarahu.

Doc15, pp. 155–159: Extracts from Thames Exception. MA 1 20/1/58.

Doc 16, pp. 192–234: Extracts from Native Land Rates Committee. MA 1 20/1/14.

Doc 17, pp. 235–265: Sale of Kauaeranga—vesting re Trustee. MA 1 20/1/23.

Doc 18, pp. 266271: KT 577/308 Kauaeranga S28B, KT 590/309

Kauaeranga S28A, KT 674/233 Kauaeranga.

Doc 19, pp. 272–290: Report on the question of Miners' Rights. NO 89/1255 (in Justice Department Inward Letters, J 1 96/1548).

Doc 2o, pp. 291–295: George Wilkinson, Government Native Agent to Under Secretary, Mines Department, 30 March 1895; and, A J Cadman memorandum to Native Minister, 9 May 1895. MD 1 95/549 (in Justice Department Inward Letters, J 1 96/1548).

Doc 21, pp. 296298: Victor Grace Day on behalf Tareranui to Under Secretary Mines Department, 17 February 1897. Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 97/287.

Doc 22, pp. 299–301: Victor Grace Day on behalf of Tareranui to Minister of Mines, 14 July 1897. Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 97/1456.

Doc 23, p.302 : Return of Gold Fields Revenue from August 1867 to June 1882. Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 82/714.

Doc 24, pp. 303–304: H. Kenrick, warden memo. for Under Secretary Mines Department, 4 November 1880. Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 80/1037.

Doc 25, pp. 305–308: Petition of Raika Whakarongotai and others. Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 88/496.

Doc 26, pp. 309–311: Extracts from Thames Advertiser. In Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 89/85.

Doc 27, pp. 312–332: New Zealand Parliamentary Debates, 1892, vol. 78, pp. 3845, 42833, 4725, 5269, 7302, 8046.

Doc 28, pp, 333–338: Petiton of W. H. Taipari and 20 others & Gold and Mines Committee Report, 31 August 1894. Mines Department Registered File, MD 1 94/2887.

Doc 29, pp. 339–369: New Zealand Parliamentary Debates, 1896, vol. 96, pp.278–318

Doc 30, pp.370–390: AJHR 1940 G-6A, pp. 121: Reports and Recommendations on petitions re the Native Purposes Act, 1935.

Doc 31, pp. 391407: Extracts from Ohinemuri Goldmining Petition. MA 1 19/1/193.

Doc 32, pp. 408 410: Ivor Prichard to Minister of Maori Affairs, 22 April 1968 & Deputy Secretary, Department of Maori and Island Affairs and Maori Trust Office to The Minister of Maori Affairs, 1 July 1968. Miscellaneous, Mining Title Registration. AAMK 869/202A.

Doc 33, pp. 411420: Ivor Prichard to Minister of Maori Affairs, 22 April 1968.

Doc 34, pp. 421-424: Matiu Rata draft Cabinet Submission, 5 November 1975.

Doc 35, pp.425–442: Ceded Maori Land Claim Memorandum for the Sub–Committee of the Board of Maori Affairs, 7 November 1984.

Doc 36, pp. 443447: Park memo to Foughy, Chief Registrar of Maori Land Court 19 March 1986.