Volume 7: The Crown, The Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes 1880-1980 Supporting Papers

Table of Contents
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Preface: page v  (2 pages)
Chapter Overview
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This is the companion volume to the report The Crown, the Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes, 1880 –1980 by Robyn Anderson. It contains all the essential reference material that Dr Anderson considers necessary to support her report. The 36 documents that are reproduced comprise 447 pages.

In addition, the supporting papers referred to by David Alexander in his report Selected Public Works Takings in the Twentieth Century are located in the second half of this volume. There are 68 documents comprising another 322 pages.

Selected Public Works Takings in the Twentieth Century is a small, self-contained report included as an appendix in Anderson's report.

The Crown, the Treaty and the Hauraki Tribes 1880 –1980 is Volume 6 of The Hauraki Treaty Claims.

The index to the supporting papers is set out in the next few pages and in the second half of this volume.
