Volume 9 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Part 4: page 25  (580 pages)
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(Form No. 4, Front Sheet.)

This Deed, made the of ,150?. between Her Majesty Queen Victoris, of the one part,

and the Aboriginal Natives of the Colony of New Zealand whose names and signatures are hereunto subscribed (hereinafter called the Vondora"), of the other

part, witnessetb that, iu consideration of the sum of by Her Majesty paid to the Vendors on the mention hereof (the receipt whereof is hereby solmowledged, the Vendora do, and mob of them doth, hereby surrender, convey, and    Her Mejesty the Queen that block or Peroel of land in the Provincial District

by admeasorrement more or lass, known as or called

As the same is particularly described in the Schedule hereto, and delineated on the


plan drawn on this Deed and coloured red; together with all night and belonging or appertaining

To hold the said land and premised with the appartenances into Her Majesty the Queen, her heirs end for over. whereof the Vendors haw est their bands the day and year above written. Severally signed by the said Vendors ofter the contents had been explained to them by a Licensed Interpreter, and they appearing clearly to understand the meaning of thesome, in the of the pereons who have in each respectivaly signed their as Attosting Witnesses.