Volume 9 Part 4: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Part 4: page 23  (580 pages)
Chapter Overview
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"The Native Land Court Act, 1894."

In the Native Land Court,


New Zealand, District.   

AT a sitting of the Court held at

on the day of   
before Esquire, Judge,

and Assessor:

WHEREAS a Minister of the Crown has heretofore applied to the Court to ascertain the interest (if any) acquired by Her Majesty in Jand known as

in the District of

Upon reading the said application, and upon hearing the parties, A HEREBY

ORDERED AND DECLARED that Her Majesty has, in the said

land as is delineated in the plan indorsed hereon, containing

acquired an estate of inheritance in fee-simple.As witness the hand of

   Esquire, Judge, and the seal of tha Court.

