Volume 9 Part 10: The Hauraki Tribal Lands: Supporting Papers

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Part 10: page 45  (502 pages)
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Insieter to:.

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At a silting of the. Native Land Court of Nor Zealand. held

in 11.e said Diarist on the


day or Islore ,


One thotosanol eight loalotired sod

Esquire, :fudge, Ass.soe,

Er loorte,Vhe Native :tliaister un belialt of Iler 31:lest:v.

\ 111:REA5 111 purstosnee. of :let Native Liad 1st Amendment Act, 1877,

tho rt mutable

Colony a New Zeal;o1, on the

the Native Minister of the

day of

15   , caused application to he made to the Native Land Court to ascertain

anti determine what interest in Out piece et laud

hail been acquired by or on behalf of Iler s.al Mojesty.

Now, upon hearing the Agent of the applicant and others, and upon evideneo lakeu, it appears to the Court that Iler Majesty has acquired an 311.,10te 1.31014 inheritance in the piece of land tlesetilled and 11..1h/rated on the

1   hereof, tonsssior the sail bleak, and the Court I/0 hereby &dare that. the .1110 is the properly a 11er lotjesty